Parcheggi automatizzati a Torino e piemonte
Gidue is a historic company in Turin that has been operating in the mechanized automatic parking lots for many years, and has now built many plants, mainly located in the city of Turin.
Gidue has a complete know-how in this field, which enables it to take care of all the phases of the plant’s constructive process, handle the design, construction and assembly phases as well as maintenance, which is an absolutely essential condition to ensure the optimal operation of the plant.
Mechanized automatic car parks have been widespread in the last 20/30 years, especially in connection with the redevelopment work of the city’s historic centers, and consequent re-formalization and upgrading of buildings and entire neighborhoods.
These urban transformations have caused the indispensable provision of new car parking spaces – in order to provide indispensable service to new residents – and the unavailability in these urban areas of adequate surface or underground spaces that would accommodate a traditional garage, inevitably determined the need to foresee the construction of fully automated multi-storey systems and submerged underground courtyards.
Gidue – coming from the industrial automation industry – has developed and calibrated a specific knowledge and expertise in the design and construction of autosilo systems, is able to adapt to the specific requirements of site and customer – different from geometric and client characteristics – as well as in compliance with the strict constraints imposed by the regulations in force.
The realization of mechanized parking requires a variety of skills, given that it consists essentially of 3 different components.
In fact, there is a first component constituted by building structure suitable to accommodate each parking space, which will be allocated inside the excavation (in the case of underground parking); A second, mechanical component (translocator), which will handle the movement of outbound or inbound cars, and which, in turn, will be allocated within the building structure, and finally the electronic component capable of ensuring the automatic operation of the plant.
Gidue independently carries out the design and construction of the mechanical component – the true soul of the mechanized parking area – while employing professionals and specialized companies with whom it works in close coordination for the design and construction of the construction and the electronic component.
The company also employs highly qualified and specialized technical personnel who intervenes both during the plant design and construction phase and in the maintenance one, which is particularly delicate and decisive in ensuring the correct use and functionality of these plants.
In this regard, Gidue, is always seeking the utmost reliability, flexibility and technological innovation of the product, and has designed and built various plant types, in order to provide an adequate response to the most diverse records and needs.
As far as the economic aspect is concerned, the Company is able to place itself on the market in an extremely competitive manner, paying close attention to the optimization of design and technical solutions while, at the same time, ensuring the quality and reliability of the facility.
Copyright © 2017 Gidue. | Made by Simone Icardi